Monday Mischief: Vacuum

Hi guys!  Mom is super tired so I thought that for once I would put my paw to the keyboard and say hi to all of you!

Hope every furry had a great weekend!

Now for my  Monday Mischief! No words needed other than that isn’t Mom in the video! It ‘s her dear friend Cheryl! Cheryl agreed to vacuum while Mom shot the video so that you could see how nuts I am when the vacuum comes out!

Barks and licks and love, 


Mischief Monday-“Officer! Arrest that Sheltie!!”

Hi and happy Monday all! It’s Dakota!

Well  my mischief for today began last week when Mom and Dad took me for a walk in the park.  Allow me to back up a few paws if you will.

I enjoy watching many of my buddies such as, Gizmo, Misaki, Will and Eko,  Max,  Bunny, Roxy and Torrey,( heck even EASY!, ) and so many more, grab life by the tail and go for the gusto!  They lead fun lives and  enjoy themselves every step of the way!  There are many more of you who have fun and I see that, but there are too many to list here!

I know Mom is frustrated with my couch-potato-esque type of life, so last week I thought I would give her a little thrill and allow she and Dad to take me to a park that Mom found that actually allows DOGS!  Trust me, in the part of  Michigan that I call home, picturesque parks that ALLOW DOGS are a rarity indeed!

We jumped into Mom’s Honda Fit ( which for many of you who will meet her at BlogPaws,  when you see Mom and her UNFIT SELF, it will strike you as amusing that the word “FIT” is the model of her car, but I digress), I got behind the wheel and we were ready to roll!

The photos below give you some idea of the great time that we had!

dakota park collage

The park was soooo delightfully peaceful!

I even walked for a bit!

With GEESE (my arch nemeses) AROUND NO LESS!

There was ONE slight problem though

After seeing this photo:

dakota driving 3

A few of you  left comments voicing concern

about whether or not I have a driver’s license. 

 I laughed with care-free Sheltie abandon

while reading of your concerns!

I eagerly started digging under my mane to pull out my license

and noticed THIS:

Look closely, what do you see?

Dakota drivers license


My license that was made on MYPETDMV

had EXPIRED ON 2-20-13!!!


A few months ago I had been contacted by My Color ID offering to make me yet ANOTHER driver’s license, I did, but GUESS WHAT? Dad had that  license in his wallet,  which was NOT with him! It was at HOME!

Lucky for me, when I put my paws to the metal, all the officers in my area must have been on a donut break!  I high-tailed it home in a flash and they were none the wiser!!!

Now, how is THAT for some mischief?

Barks and licks and love,


No Mischief Today

dakota carpet april 2013

Hi every one hope you had a great weekend!

I’m just being low-key,  my Daddy is having surgery today…..

dakota head down carpet

I’m staying right here until he comes home!

Barks and licks and love, 


Mom and I  use comment moderation so if we don’t approve your comments right away please bear with us, we are going to be busy taking care of Daddy!

Also…Cody, Mom and I are featured on Peace, Love & Whiskers today. Check it out!

Published in: on April 29, 2013 at 1:00 am  Comments (87)  
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NEW KONG winner selected! And Happy Passover!

Hi my furiends! It’s Dakota!

Well I have waited and waited, but our last KONG winner never emailed her address to me. Mom gave all the winners til last Friday to email their addresses to Mom, and everyone responded except for Crystal…so, sorry Crystal, but you snooze  you lose! We can’t hold up the other winners, so we had pick an alternate winner.

That person is:



pawsitively pets


Ann, please email my mom your complete mailing address to: cgittleman at mi dot rr dot com

And to our Jewish friends who are celebrating Passover tonight, may you have a happy one, full of love and blessings!

Barks and licks and love,

Dakota and “Mom”




Published in: on March 25, 2013 at 1:00 am  Comments (49)  
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Mom’s Mischief

dakota mom fried keyboard

Published in: on March 18, 2013 at 1:00 am  Comments (70)  
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Mischief Monday-Cooking Spray

Happy Monday everybody!

As you know, Dakota is a greatly loved dog, but like any dog, or maybe MORE than any dog, he has his quirks. There are two things that just the sight of sends him into a frenzy….one is cooking spray. Doesn’t matter who the manufacturer is, but when he sees me take the cooking spray  out of the cupboard, it makes him go nuts!

The other is BUTTER. Butter in any form. It can be spray, in a tub, stick. You open the fridge and BOOM…..the Tasmanian Devil is released.Just spelling the word  B-U-T-T-E-R  can send him into a full-blown bark-fest!

I wasn’t able to get video of Dakota’s reaction to butter, but I was able to get a short video of his reaction to cooking spray. Oh and for some who might ask, NO! Dakota has never been sprayed with cooking spray! I think it is the sound of the spray, that irritates him,  who knows? Could just be he doesn’t like the color yellow.

Of course Daddy ruined Mom’s fun by telling me at the end not to work him up.

May your Monday be irritation-free!!

Mischief Master Class: A Book written by Dogs (two Cats and a Turtle!)…assisted by Annette Vivian

Hi everyone it’s Dakota, it’s Monday and you know what THAT means! It’s Mischief Monday!!

I can’t think of a better day to feature the new book by my buddy Snoopy, (of the informative, fun and adorable blog, SNOOPY’S DOG BLOG,)   Mischief Master Class A Book written by Dogs (two Cats and a Turtle!)…assisted by Annette Vivian.

snoopy book cover

Photo Courtesy of Annette Vivian

How did this book evolve?

For the rare few who DON’T know, my buddy Snoopy is the MASTER of Mischief! So much so that on his blog he has a regular Monday feature called the Monday Mischief Blog Hop which is sponsored by Snoopy, Alfie’s Blog, Luna Dogs Life and My Brown Newfies. This Blog Hop is so popular and has so many weekly submissions from various animals all over the world, that it only made sense that the concept would make a natural evolution, into a BOOK! Now, when you want to read about all the mischief that everyone has been up to, it’s right at the tip of your paws!

My buddy Snoopy is a 2-year-old Bearded Collie who considers himself to be the “Master of Mischief”  That title didn’t come easy.  In order to attain the title of “Master of Mischief” you must have enormous skill and creativity! Snoopy has made it his mission to help all animals get the title of “Master of Mischief” by compiling this pawsome book!

But what exactly IS “Mischief? I’m glad that you asked!  Here is the definition that I found online:” It is “Playful misbehavior or troublemaking”

Snoopy feels, and I agree, that with so much seriousness in the World and in our jobs (did you know that Snoopy is a registered therapy dog? That’s some SERIOUS stuff!) it is important to incorporate some play in your day and what better way to do that than through creating some Mischief!

How Does The Mischief Master Class Work?

From Snoopy: “you must keep in mind some basic principles/rules/codes. If you stick to these principles, my experience tells me you’ll be a Mischief Master in no time!”

This book will be your greatest “go-to” to hone your mischief-making skills! You will LOVE the fun examples/stories shared by animals from all over the world (and their 2-leggers). The colorful photographs will make you wag your tail with delight!

Some of my favorite “Principles” in Mischief Master Class are:

Look Cute-Freddie of the blog BASSET MOMMA  has that skill learned, paws down!

Forgiveness is Easier Than Permission-shown by the sock stealing antics of Alfie the Entlebucher Mountain Pup. Visit him at ALFIE’S BLOG.

My Handiwork

My Handiwork

Stand Tall, Be Firm-shown by none other than yours truly!! Yep! I’m in the book too! I tried so hard to protect my territory from the dogs across the hall that I tore up our door wall! Just for the record, I was so adept at this feat that the dogs have MOVED!

The Art Of Negotiation– remarkably displayed by our turtle friend Kroten, of the blog UNDERNEATH THE SHELL, who will eat anything and everything!

Don’t Underestimate The Little Guy, The Big Dog Isn’t Always The Top Dog-shown by Roxy and Torrey of the blog ROXY THE TRAVELING DOG, as well as  Snoopy himself with a hilarious intro to this chapter about Snoopy and his “sheep.”

Learn To Count– one of my faves, and highlights how my buddy Snoopy can count! Yep!  By learning to count he knows just how long he can stay on the forbidden bed before his Mom counts to THREE to get him off. He even includes a link to the video in his book (links to many other videos are in the book as well). Check out this one of Snoopy, you’ll see why it is a fave of mine!

The last principle we are going to share with you, (you will have to buy the book to see the rest), is showcased by Emma  of the blog MY GBGVLIFE and that is: Don’t Be Shy- Ask For What You Want where Emma was determined to have a special birthday pawty for her sister Katie and took matters into her own paws!

snoopy book photo

Photo Courtesy of Annette Vivian

Check out some more mischief that is in this great and FUN book!

Once you finish reading Snoopy’s Mischief Master Class, you will have “learned that no matter who you are or what you are, Mischief is for ALL!”

You will even have your own “Mischief Master” Certificate in the book, like mine!

Yeah I forged Snoopy's "pawnigture", hey, I read the book and contributed Mischief! I earned it!

Yeah I forged Snoopy’s “pawnigture”, hey, I read the book and contributed Mischief! I earned it!


Now,  go tell the person in charge of the money in your house to hurry up and pawchase this fantastic book! Better yet, YOU create some mischief and grab their credit card and order it yourself! BOL!!

Did you know?

 Snoopy  and his Mum are generously donating 50% of the book Profits to Therapy Pets Support Charities

To purchase Mischief Master Class in paperback click here

To purchase the Kindle edition click here


Wanna follow Snoopy?

You can find him on Facebook by clicking here

Twitter @snoopysstory

On his blog: SNOOPY’S DOG BLOG

About the Author

Snoopy lives in Northern California with his Mum, Annette Vivian, and the rest of their family. Annette Vivian, born in the Isle of Man, British Isles, qualified as an Accountant and Project Manager. After spending 15 years working in start-ups and financial institutions around the Globe, she finally realized that she was neglecting the creative, fun side of her brain. She spends her time now, looking after her family, taking Snoopy on Therapy visits and writing. 
Barks and licks and love, Dakota

Cyber Monday Savings up to 50% OFF! at

If there is one thing I know about, it’s chewing:

What??? Not THAT kind of “chewing?”

When our friends at told us about this huge sale, we were sooooo excited!  Mom always orders Cody’s World’s Best Cat Litter from and all sorts of things for me!  In full disclosure (We have received some things for free but Mom has PAWCHASED many things on her own!) Mom, Cody and I LOVE how easy it is to order and our items arrive almost as fast as I can scarf down a bowl of food!

What are you waiting for! Take over the compawter, grab the credit card and go SHOPPING NOW….if YOU can’t shop be sure to tell your humans/bi-pods/pawrents or whatever you call them!

Click on the widget to shop now! is your #1 source for Pet Food Online

Mom Mischief!

Hi my furry pals!

It seems as if it has been furever since I have barked at you! I haven’t been on the computer much because last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Mom was at Nestle Purina for the “Meet Purina Pet Blogger Summit.” Mom had an outstanding time, but the trip to Purina is where some of Mom’s mischief began.

If you read my blog back in August, Mom had mentioned how she was supposed to attend the premier of the new Disney movie Frankenweenie…..(the operative words here are was supposed to attend.)  and post her review TODAY. It was MOM who was the “weenie” on this one! Mom had a ton of blogs to pre-schedule before her trip to Purina and couldn’t make the premier, so because of Mom’s MAJOR MISCHIEF I’m not gonna let Mom blog about a movie that she didn’t see!  We will tell you that the movie opened on October 5th so YOU can see it, and if you want to see the trailer that Mom had posted on my blog, you can click here.

Photo sent to me compliments of Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Now, on to Part II of Mom’s Mischief! Mom went to Purina as one of their CAT BLOGGERS, (because of Cody!) not as a DOG BLOGGER, (they didn’t even know that I exist! What’s up with THAT??!!) So, where is she posting her first blog post about Purina? HERE. The woman has serious issues!

In an attempt to salvage Mom’s already shaky credibility,  Mom wanted to share with you a super fun and interesting event that she attended while visiting Purina.  The event was LUNCH if you know Mom, writing about food should come as no surprise, but I digress.

The lunch that Mom was raving about took place at the Purina Culinary Center, (Pet-inspired Chefs for Chef-inspired Pet Food)

Lunch was prepared by Chef Amanda Hassner who has one goal when she comes to work at the Purina Culinary Center every day and that is “to inspire people who create pet food so that they can enrich the lives of pets and the people who love them. She combines her passion for pets with her culinary expertise, and her creations in the Culinary Center have influenced many of Purina’s products.”

Mom and her blogging buddies were served a sumptuous sampling of dishes that were made for human consumption but were the inspiration of actual Purina products that are on the market today!

One of the dishes that Mom was served was Amuse Bouche.   What  are Amuse Bouche? Glad you asked! From Wikipedia: “Amuse-bouches are different from appetizers in that they are not ordered from a menu by patrons, but, when served, are done so for free and according to the chef’s selection alone.”

One of the  Amuse Bouche that Mom tasted was the inspiration for Beneful® brand Baked Delights™ specifically the Savory Bacon Shortbread.

Mom received a sample bag of these to take home and you can see my reaction!

You guys should check these out, they are delicious! They made up for the mischief that Mom caused!

Barks and licks and love, Dakota

Disclosure: Mom’s trip was completely paid for by Purina. Mom was not required to blog about the trip but is going to do a few blog posts about it here and on Cat Chat. All opinions are mine AND Mom’s!

Workin’ Hard At Creating Mischief On Labor Day!

Did you know that Shetland Sheepdogs are considered to be working dogs?   From Wikipedia: “They are vocal, excitable, energetic dogs who are always willing to please and work hard. They are partly derived from dogs used in the Shetland Isles for herding and protecting sheep.The breed was formally recognized by the Kennel Club in 1909.”

Well, I don’t have any sheep to herd or protect, and with this being Labor Day in America, I had to find SOMETHING to work hard at!  Does causing mischief qualify as hard work?


To those in the U.S., HAPPY LABOR DAY! To everyone else, HAPPY MISCHIEF MONDAY!!

Barks and licks and love,
