Mom Mischief!

Hi my furry pals!

It seems as if it has been furever since I have barked at you! I haven’t been on the computer much because last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Mom was at Nestle Purina for the “Meet Purina Pet Blogger Summit.” Mom had an outstanding time, but the trip to Purina is where some of Mom’s mischief began.

If you read my blog back in August, Mom had mentioned how she was supposed to attend the premier of the new Disney movie Frankenweenie…..(the operative words here are was supposed to attend.)  and post her review TODAY. It was MOM who was the “weenie” on this one! Mom had a ton of blogs to pre-schedule before her trip to Purina and couldn’t make the premier, so because of Mom’s MAJOR MISCHIEF I’m not gonna let Mom blog about a movie that she didn’t see!  We will tell you that the movie opened on October 5th so YOU can see it, and if you want to see the trailer that Mom had posted on my blog, you can click here.

Photo sent to me compliments of Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Now, on to Part II of Mom’s Mischief! Mom went to Purina as one of their CAT BLOGGERS, (because of Cody!) not as a DOG BLOGGER, (they didn’t even know that I exist! What’s up with THAT??!!) So, where is she posting her first blog post about Purina? HERE. The woman has serious issues!

In an attempt to salvage Mom’s already shaky credibility,  Mom wanted to share with you a super fun and interesting event that she attended while visiting Purina.  The event was LUNCH if you know Mom, writing about food should come as no surprise, but I digress.

The lunch that Mom was raving about took place at the Purina Culinary Center, (Pet-inspired Chefs for Chef-inspired Pet Food)

Lunch was prepared by Chef Amanda Hassner who has one goal when she comes to work at the Purina Culinary Center every day and that is “to inspire people who create pet food so that they can enrich the lives of pets and the people who love them. She combines her passion for pets with her culinary expertise, and her creations in the Culinary Center have influenced many of Purina’s products.”

Mom and her blogging buddies were served a sumptuous sampling of dishes that were made for human consumption but were the inspiration of actual Purina products that are on the market today!

One of the dishes that Mom was served was Amuse Bouche.   What  are Amuse Bouche? Glad you asked! From Wikipedia: “Amuse-bouches are different from appetizers in that they are not ordered from a menu by patrons, but, when served, are done so for free and according to the chef’s selection alone.”

One of the  Amuse Bouche that Mom tasted was the inspiration for Beneful® brand Baked Delights™ specifically the Savory Bacon Shortbread.

Mom received a sample bag of these to take home and you can see my reaction!

You guys should check these out, they are delicious! They made up for the mischief that Mom caused!

Barks and licks and love, Dakota

Disclosure: Mom’s trip was completely paid for by Purina. Mom was not required to blog about the trip but is going to do a few blog posts about it here and on Cat Chat. All opinions are mine AND Mom’s!

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58 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. WOW…you guys get some pawsome pet treats and products over there…we are very jealous.
    Wally & Sammy

    • yep Wally & Sammy we do! come on over!!!!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  2. Well that was funny..BOL, Mom not getting to the review..Haaawwa. She was teasing you Dakota with those yummy looking snacks…You are one bootiful dog.. Hope Moms managed to catch up a bit.. xx00xxx

    • Hi Mollie! I know, isn’t Mom just AWFUL!!? Awww you are soooooooo sweet to say I am “bootiful” Yeah I have a big bootie!! BOL! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

      • I haz someink for you..Bol XX00XX

  3. Hey Dakota,

    You sure were excited to taste those treats buddy!!

    I’m glad you mentioned that the lunch your Mum had was for human consumption as I had this image of them being served Dog Food!! Haha

    Wags to all

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

    • Hi Snoopy!
      I sure was!
      BOL about Mom’s lunch. Funny you said that because Mom and a few other blogging buddies said while they were eating that they couldn’t get the dog and cat food out of their minds BOL!!
      Hope you have a great day!
      Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  4. Have a great Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

    • thanks Molly, you too! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  5. Sounds like a fun trip and great food. Hope all of you have a great day.

    • Hi Marg! OMD Mom said she had the most AMAZING time EVER!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  6. Yummy!!!!! I love shortbread, and bacon simply makes anything test better.

    • Sara my mom and I couldn’t agree with you more! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  7. Your Mom sure has been up to mischief Dakota! Maybe she shouldn’t be allowed to go anywhere unless she escorted by a dog:)
    Can’t wait to hear more about the trip to Purina!

    • hi Jen! She sure has! I think that is a great idea to have me escort her everywhere! Super idea!! She will be interspersing Purina posts over both blogs for the next few weeks 🙂 Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  8. Your video is great and the “sit”-moment is priceless. I wonder why humans always say “sit” before they give us the treats…I never said sit to mom if she wants shoes….and I haven’t to say it to dad, because he is sitting always on his butt if he did see the price tag… btw: I wish I would be at Purina too – for the Lunch – the slogan sounds great and I’ll bet the food was it too and if I could Amanda Hassner would be my personal Chef…

    • Easy you ALWAYS make me smile! Thank you for liking my most inferior video skills! lol. What made me laugh was Dakota jumping and spinning in the background while I was talking lol. lmao about not telling your Mom “sit” before she wants shoes!!! lol. I soooo wish you could have been at Purina. OMG what FUN we would have had. I have to meet your Mom one day! Love, “Mom”

  9. Hi Y’all,

    I’m drooling! What can I say?

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    • Hey Hawk! If you were here we could eat ’em together! I will be around for sure!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  10. I would eat those with tea.

    • the DOG ones? BOL!! Actually, that is a GREAT idea 🙂 Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  11. Those look like nummy treats, and it sounds like your mom had a great time. Even if she went for the cat side of the blog world. BOL

    • Roxy the human version was delicious and the smell of the doggy ones are fantastic…so much so that I wanted to eat them lol. Ohhh I had a fantastic time! If I am lucky enough to go again, trust me it will be for the “bi-petual” side 🙂 Love, “Mom”

  12. Woof! Sounds yummy! Have a fantastic week!

    • thank you! you too! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  13. Nom nom!

    • BOL!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  14. Sounds delicious. Wish they had blogger conventions here. I don’t think there are enough of us. Very sad. Will just have to become rich enough to attend the ones you guys have.

    • oh yes they are soooooooo delicious!!! You should contact some companies in SA and see if you can start them locally 🙂 Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  15. You could hardly wait, Dakota!

    • Clowie I know BOL…that made Mom laugh 🙂 Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  16. Okay, now the Magical-Dawg is jealous! I got invited to Purina (at the last minute) to go last June but couldn’t make my schedule work with only a couple of day’s notice. Seren-Kitty will be interested to find out what the cat-centric info turned out to be. Oh, and Magic wants Dakota to know that a “sit” while contemplating treetz is no easy task!

    • Hi Amy! Ohhh you should have gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sparkle did a super good post today for Purina….mine will be interspersed…there is nothing “cat-centric” per se as in “in-depth”…but between all of us there will be interesting stuff! Dakota says to give Magic a HUGE “bark out!!” Love, “Mom”

  17. Oh, that sounds like fun! Savory bacon shortbread… Yum!

    • Jackie they smell sooooooooooo good that Mom wants to eat MINE!!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  18. You were such a good dog waiting to get your treats! We can’t say that we would have been that good…we probably would have busted down the gate and bit mom’s hand to get the treats! (We really aren’t that bad!)

    • I try!! BOL Mom is laughing sooooo hard at your comment! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  19. Mom made us a Frankieweenie. Yummy treats
    Benny & Lily

    • BOL Benny & Lily…barks and licks and love, Dakota

  20. Mom and I are both droolin over these! Mom goes nuts over shortbread and I go nuts over bacon and cheese! I told Mom if she gets a bag, I share ONE with her 😉

    Thanks for joinin in the hop Dakota! You’re in the drawing 🙂

    Waggin at ya,

    • Roo you sound like me and my Mom. I love bacon and Mom loves shortbread!! Mom may have to take a bite of mine and try them. Thanks so much for entering me in the drawing and for visiting me! I am following you! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  21. Hi Y’all,

    It’s me again. Please stop by tomorrow and pick up the Award I want to share with y’all.

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    • Hi Hawk! that is so nice of you! Of course I will stop by! Award or no award!! Thank you!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  22. Oh boy Dakota! Thank goodness your Momma redeemed herself by bringing you those awesome treats! You sure looked super excited to get one! 🙂

    • Bassetmomma I got LOTS of treats! Actually I got way more things than poor Cody 😦 He has allergies. Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  23. Those look totally yummy! Me loves shortbread, bacon and cheese! A treat me could shares with the hairy slobbery sisters!

    • Nellie! They are for DOGGIES!!! BOL! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  24. Hey Dakota, Jet here. Hi Miss Caren.

    Congrats to Miss Caren for being a big kahuna in blog world! Bet the trip was fascinating. Mom loves learning about how things work, where they’re made, etc… a curious George, my Mom!

    Anyway, good that you busted Mom for her mischief… see, it’s not always us! The dog doesn’t always eat the homework! BOL!

    • Hi Jet! Mom a “Big Kahuna???” Noooooooooo way!!!! Mom is just a minnow in a sea of sharks!!! BOL!!! Mom loved “the dog doesn’t always eat the homework” BOL!!! Yep Mom is rather “curious” herself! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  25. Oh, I wish Mom had been invited to that summit! It’s not too far from our house, she could have driven down and taken me with her for a change! Phooey! I think you are one lucky dog, Dakota! Enjoy those treats!


    P.S. My mom is going somewhere on Thursday for the blog, but of course it’s on an airplane again! This blog is starting to cramp my style!

  26. OMD, those treats look amazing !!! Save us some, we are coming over !!! (it might take us few weeks… LOL)

    Woos of love.

    Echo & Link

    • Come on over guys!! It wouldn’t take you “weeks!” We are in Michigan! Hop on a train! It could be one of your adventures!! Echo could hit the casino 🙂 BOL! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  27. My mum loved your sit and stay, Dakota. Then she told me you didn’t drool at all!!! I knew it. She always criticises my drool indirectly. Bacon and cheese sounds heavenly good!


    • Hi Eva!! Ohhhh my Mom said that is a HUGE compliment that your Mum liked my “sit” “stay”…OMD!!! Your Mum is so good at training and that just makes Mom and me smile! Nope…believe it or not I NEVER drool! NEVER!! Ohhhh yesssssssss Bacon and cheese is yummy! If you lived here I would share them with you. Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  28. Your mom is a lucky woman, Dakota 🙂

    You know, Kroten wants that treat too…too bad it’s not for turtle 😉

    • Hi Novroz! Yeah…Mom thinks so too. Maybe you should tell Purina that they should make treats for turtles!!! BOL!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  29. Sounds like Mom had a great time and you wound up with some treats that look delicious. All and all pretty good day 🙂

    • Hi Tyler! A pretty good, wait, make that DAMN good, couple of days! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

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