Today is World Veterinary Day!

Logo taken from AVMA to visit their website click on the logo

Logo taken from AVMA to visit their website click on the logo


On April 27, World Veterinary Day 2013 will seek to raise awareness of vaccination as a means to prevent disease.

The World Veterinary Association created World Veterinary Day in 2000 as an annual celebration of the veterinary profession, falling on the last Saturday of April. Each year, the WVA and World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) choose a theme for the event.

“Vaccination of animals helps people to protect their livestock and their companion animals, as well as themselves in case of zoonotic diseases,” according to an online announcement for World Veterinary Day 2013. “Through well organised campaigns, vaccination contributes to the eradication of diseases from certain areas and even from the world.”

According to the announcement, the veterinary profession is crucial to the success of vaccination in protecting animal health.


I don't mind visiting my vet (THAT MUCH!) He keeps me healthy!

I don’t mind visiting my vet (THAT MUCH!) He keeps me healthy!

Mom and I were looking around the Internet because we wanted to share info with you about what vaccines your puppies and dogs should have, and here is what we found from WebMD:

How Important Are Vaccines to the Health of My Dog?

Bottom line-vaccines are very important in managing the health of your dog. That said, not every dog needs to be vaccinated against every disease. It is very important to discuss with your veterinarian a vaccination protocol that’s right for your dog. Factors that should be examined include age, medical history, environment, travel habits and lifestyle. Most vets highly recommend administering core vaccines to healthy dogs.

What Are Core Vaccines?

In 2006, the American Animal Hospital Association’s Canine Task Force published a revised version of guidelines regarding canine vaccinations. The guidelines divide vaccines into three categories-core, non-core and not recommended.

  • Core vaccines are considered vital to all dogs based on risk of exposure, severity of disease or transmissibility to humans. Canine parvovirusdistemper, canine hepatitis and rabies are considered core vaccines by the Task Force.
  • Non-core vaccines are given depending on the dog’s exposure risk. These include vaccines against Bordetella bronchiseptica, Borrelia burgdorferi and Leptospira bacteria. 


My Mom makes sure I am up-t0-date on all of my vaccines because they are super important! They don’t really even hurt that much do they? What do you think?

Barks and licks and love, 




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27 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. RUFF!!! Thanks for the info Dakota- glad to know you go to the vet to keep healthy- I do too! (Though I don’t like it) We want you around for a long time! Paws to you!!! Noah

    • you are welcome Noah!! Thank you and we want YOU around for a long time too! Barks and licks and love, Dakota and “Mom”

  2. We’re a vaccination family here too. Especially as we like to go out and play with other dogs. Our vet is very good and doesn’t give us every vaccination every year because we don’t need it. Many of the ones you mention are not necessary for us, we don’t need rabies either.
    I don’t think we get hepatitis – I’ll send The Help to check up on that and see if it’s something we should have.
    Thanks for the information.
    Stay healthy 🙂

    • You are welcome! I know you are all up-to-date and I am sure that everyone who reads this blog is, but my Vet once told me what he HATES about dog parks is that you would NOT BELIEVE the number of dogs who go to them that are NOT vaccinated! Love, “Mom”

  3. Great post! Sharing.

    • thank you Sue! Barks and licks and love, Dakota and “Mom”

  4. Hi Dakota. We have to do a poop sample for the vet soon. This post reminded mommy she has to be on poop radar mode soon. Whenever we know she is on poop radar mode we always try to do our business hidden behind bushes.

    • Hi guys! I do my “poop” sample in October 🙂 I only remember cause Mom is reading this and that is what she told me. Do you believe she remembers this junk??? BOL!!! I don’t blame you for hiding behind the bushes! It’s RUDE to steal our poop!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  5. Vaccines are very important, but it’s also important not to over vaccinate. My dogs get titered for their vaccines, and they always have really high antibodies. In fact, 6 year old Oreo has never needed a booster shot after receiving his shots at the age of one.

    Hopefully the rabies laws ease soon, so we don’t have to do those as often either. They should be good for at least 7 years, but most states require them every 3 years.

    The only shot we do yearly is lyme, because that is such a huge problem in our area.

    • Sara that is so true!! I think Dakota’s rabies shot is good for 3 years and we do Bordatello every year……..Love “Mom”

  6. I agree in keeping up to date on core vaccines – particularly rabies.
    Have you noticed that there is more debate about how often vaccines actually need to be given? I’ve noticed there is some discussion of ‘over-vaccinating’ – that some of the vaccines protect a dog longer and don’t need to be updated as often as they are. I think if one’s dogs are in high population areas, travel, are exposed to the outdoors it is probably better to be cautious…?

    • I agree. My vet seems to only update Bordatello (sp?) once a year….I have to check Dakota’s records to be sure. Some of his vaccines are good for 3 years! Love, “Mom”

  7. Our vet is really nice and they have tons of treats but I still don’t like to go there and I am super scared every time. It never really hurts, so I don’t know why I have that fear. Vaccinations are important but we limit them to the ones we really need as too much is not good either and some vets really push vaccines and that is the reason we have chosen the clinic that we go to is that they are open and honest and out to help us, not to make a fast buck as a lot of vets are we have found.

    • Thankfully our vet is the same as yours, he doesn’t make Dakota have anything that he doesn’t need! Love, “Mom”

  8. I can’t complain, our vet is very purposeful with the needles … and he is as fast as a malay knife thrower :o) And the holes are very small, no water comes out if I drink someting after the vaccination :o) Thanks for the information, we had no clue about the vets day (as always) dad will send him a card via mail :o)

    • OMG Easy leave it to you to crack me and my Mom up YET AGAIN. “Fast as a malay knife thrower” OMG OMG OMG!! WE LOVE YOU AND YOUR MOM SOOOOO MUCH! Barks and licks and love, Dakota and Mom

  9. Great post, Dakota!

    I’m glad you go to the vet and keep yourself fit and healthy all the time. My mom says it’s very important that we have to keep ourselves healthy because she can’t bear with the idea that I’m not feeling well; she will be very very worried if I’m sick and she likes to see him jumping and running around like no tomorrow.

    I’m not sure whether I like my vet or not but he is a gentleman and he is always very kind. He gives me treats when I sit in front of me with my lovely eyes staring at him. The only thing I don’t really like is he pokes me sometimes, not very often but once a year, I guess.


    • Thank you Eva!
      Ohhhh yes we couldn’t agree with you more! The vet keeps me barking and jumping for sure! Awww I am sure you like your vet! Mine is “kind and is a gentleman” too and Mom and Dad (and the vet) say that I am always a “gentleman” when I go there!

      I don’t like the “poking” either but they seem to enjoy it BOL 🙂
      Barks and licks and love,

  10. We don’t like to go to our vet but that doesn’t stop mommy from taking us! We cause all kinds of trouble when we go but we know it is for our own good!

  11. To be honest with you I’m not a great lover of vaccinations apart from puppy and first booster, i don’t think to many chemicals can be good with vaccinating, worming and flea treatments i would rather titre test and only vaccinate when necessary and look around for natural flea and worm treatments.

  12. Great information sweet Dakota. I don’t mind too much going to my vet either…I like him but I like my Mumsy way better. Hugs and nose kisses

  13. That was a great post Dakota! The vets are actually nice, because they’re gentle and cuddle me. Eve wants to be a vet when she’s a big human!
    Pippa 🙂

    • YAY FOR EVE!!! That is just wonderful! Barks and licks and love, Dakota and Mom

  14. Wes LOVES our Vet! She is fabulishious! My hairy slobbery sister Bob and Kozmo was just there for their yearly shots and they RAVED about her! Mes thinks vets needs more than just one day though.

  15. Vaccinations are very important. Having a vet who will honestly discuss vaccinations is equally important. Our vet is very good to discuss which vaccines to give each year. Our dogs are on the three year cycle for all except Lepto and Bordaella which are annual. Many people feel that titers are the answer, but they are do not tell the entire story and can sometimes give a false sense of security.

  16. […] first post I want to mention is so important to all pet owners and comes from our friends at Dakota’s Den. Dakota and her mommy let us all know that it was World Veterinary Day. According to Dakota World […]

  17. Smart Mom you have Dakota. No matter what, all our zoo get vaccines to make sure they can fight those bad bad bad germs that come in on the air and can kill us. Thanks for spreading the word.

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