Monday Mischief: Vacuum

Hi guys!  Mom is super tired so I thought that for once I would put my paw to the keyboard and say hi to all of you!

Hope every furry had a great weekend!

Now for my  Monday Mischief! No words needed other than that isn’t Mom in the video! It ‘s her dear friend Cheryl! Cheryl agreed to vacuum while Mom shot the video so that you could see how nuts I am when the vacuum comes out!

Barks and licks and love, 


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47 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Could I hire Dakota?

  2. Great job Dakota! Shiner also doesn’t like the vacuum, but I’ll admit I’m kind of glad she’s never barked at it. She does like to bite it though. She’s definitely gotten better about it as she’s gotten older.

    • I like to bark at EVERY THING. You name it, I’ll bark at it! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  3. Hi Dakota! This is Dallas…I bark and bite at the vacuum too!

    • Hi Dallas!! Isn’t it FUN???!! Can’t believe the Moms don’t like for us to do that! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  4. LOL. Yup. THat happens here too (unless I bribe them with treats). Love how Dakota yanked up the rug!

  5. Oh boy, you are crazy! I could care less about that thing, mom vacuums right by me and I don’t even flinch, my big sister runs and hides but no one barks at it in our house!

    • that’s just a SMALL sampling of just how “crazy” I am! BOL! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  6. Awww lovely Dakota! You showed that vacuum cleaner! Yay! Take care

  7. Too funny! Freighter does that too, only he attacks the vacuum. We are working on it…lol.

    • Ohhhh I attack the vacuum too! BOL! Mom HATES IT! Mom keeps trying to “work on it” but nothing works! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  8. Hmmm…this is exactly what I do when Mom takes her vacuum cleaner out. In most cases, I’m always louder than that irritating monster!


    • See Eva? That’s why we are MEANT for each other!! BOL! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  9. Lol. You certainly showed that vacuum cleaner who’s boss!

  10. Mom had a dog many years ago that did the same thing.

  11. So funny – the best is grabbing the rug! Barking with excitement Dakota you are!!!

    • Oh yeah Mom really LOVED the “grabbing the rug” part BOL! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  12. You need to get paid
    Benny & Lily

  13. Kill that evil thing, Dakota!!!! You can do it!
    *high paws*

    • I keep trying to kill it but no one will let me! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  14. Dakota you are so cute. That was some good vacuuming.
    Sue B

    • oh yeah…ask Mom how “cute” I am when I am barking my brains out! BOL! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  15. Hehehe, you sure are wild about that vacuum, Dakota! 🙂

  16. Hilarious! Jeffie is sure the vac is an attack creature and he will protect me. Rudy follows around wondering what’s going on. Rosie? Actually, I think she’d like to vacuum for me… hmmm… I really need to work on that. 😉

  17. Dakota, you’re a start! That was so so great.

    Piggy Kisses,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  18. Very funny! At my house, Wilson doesn’t even notice the vacuum and Jimmy goes berserk, just like you!

  19. Nothing wrong with guarding your turf, Dakota! besides, I bet that vacuum disrupts your carefully placed fur balls!

  20. LOL Dakota! Wonder what would happen if your Mom got one of those Roomba’s and Cody rode on top of it like some other cats!

  21. Oh my dog! Our first dog HATED the vacuum and would bite it every time we used it! We went through four or five vacuums in the 12 years we had that dog. She destroyed them

  22. LOL! My Sheltie Cassie was like that with the vacuum too. Maya could care less about the vacuum. Pierson is wary of it and keeps his distance, so nothing as cute as Dakota’s reaction.

  23. Good job, D.! You really told that vacuum off. That’ll teach it once and for all….

    Love and licks,

  24. If you did that on your back Dakota, the floor could get a good sweep without the vacuum 🙂

  25. We could learn a few moves from u. Benji likes to bark and nip at the vacuum, butt nothing like u. We think u r the all time Sheltie Vacuum Monster Barker King.

  26. I’m thinking Dakota is a great rug lifter too – so helpful for sweeping under your rug time! Max thinks it’s an alien spaceship too and watches carefully…from a far distance!

  27. Bahaha, so cute. Our Yoda barely blinks an eye when we pass the vaccuum lol

  28. Dakota, you are so funny, you made me laugh out loud! Most of our dogs don’t like the vacuum either, but they aren’t brave enough to bark at it, they just leave the room! Kobi, however, couldn’t care less….you could run him over with the vacuum and he won’t move!

    • Mom doesn’t think I am very funny BOL!! She loses her mind when I go berserk when the vacuum comes out! I bark at it, chase it and even try to bite it! I’m a herding dog you know, that’s what I do! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  29. Haha Dakota,

    Did you help her by lifting up the rug? I hate the vacuum too, I even try to bite it! Tee Hee

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

    • Yep I was trying to!! BOL!!! I try to bite the vacuum too! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  30. It’s stealing all your lovely fur, I don’t blame you for chasing it.

  31. Those things are nasty! I just hide. Love Dolly

  32. Sounds just like at home! Love the ending! 🙂

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