Will you help my kitty brother? Vote for AmazeCats Next Top Cat!

Hi everyone! It’s Dakota, and today I am gonna do something super brotherly (but don’t you dare tell that I did this!) You see, my brother, Cody is participating in a contest, and since he is NOWHERE near as adorable as I am, (BOL!), he NEEDS VOTES!

Look at this face:

cody please vote

Pretty pitiful isn’t it? Can’t SOMEONE teach this guy how to SMILE?  He has an expression like “Uh, duh…did you call me?” BOL!

The contest is being held by AmazeCats

Who is AmazeCats? Glad you asked! AmazeCats makes:

Famous Cats of the Internet Playing Cards

The famous cats of the internet that we all know and love are coming together to help cats in need. Our feline friends have joined forces to bring you a cool deck of playing cards featuring their adorable photos on each card. You can play cards, hang out with your favorite internet cats and donate to a great cat charity all at the same time. How neat is that?

Every purchase is a donation! All of the proceeds from this deck will be donated to Stray Cat Alliance, a great non-profit organization aimed specifically at caring for and finding homes for stray cats.

Vote for AmazeCats Next Top Cat

Because there are many special needs cats with way more votes than my brother, (and in all honesty they are more deserving, I am not kidding when I say that, I mean that with all of my heart) he won’t win the contest.  That’s ok! He just wants to finish in the Top 32!
amaze cats next top cat grid
Here is the video that my Mom submitted for Cody (the intro was done by AmazeCats)

Isn’t that the most EMBARRASSING THING EVER?

Do you feel sorry enough to vote for my slightly rotund feline family member?

If so, you can vote once a day UNTIL MARCH 29th! Cody has a few blogging buddies who are also in the contest and they would love to make it into the top 32 as well! The cool thing is you can VOTE FOR MULTIPLE CATS IN ONE DAY! So when you vote for Cody you can vote for them too!

To vote for my brother Cody, click here

To view and vote for the other kitties click here

Sorry to ruin your day with a kitty on the blog, but sometimes with family you just gotta do what you gotta do!

Thanks for your support!

Barks and licks and love, Dakota


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46 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Never fear, we’ve been voting for Cody! I can’t imagine how anyone could resist!


    • Thanks so much Bunny!! Cody really appreciates it! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  2. Voted! Good luck, Cody!!!

    • Cody says THANK YOU!!!!!!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  3. Dakota – you are hilarious! I thought that Cody’s video was very cute! I’ve been voting for your brother every time I remember. Tell your mom to keep reminding us!

    • BOL!! Thank you Ann!!! Cody thanks you too! Ok! She is reminding you!! BOL! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  4. Will do Dakota, wasn’t around yesterday but will go and vote today 🙂 xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    • thanks Mollie and Alfie! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  5. Voted for you!

    • thank you! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  6. I was going to pass this on to have my cat bro Bert handle it but then I thought he would be mad that he was not in the contest, so I will stroll over and vote myself. Sometimes we have to do things for our feline siblings 😉

    • Emma I soooooooooooooo understand!! BOL!!! THANK YOU! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  7. Woof! Woof! It took a while to navigate the site but we voted we are 212. Good Luck! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

    • thank you!!!! Ohhhh I linked directly to Cody’s page on this blog! Let me check, it should take you right there! Thank you sooooooooo much!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  8. I really love this video! So cute!!! I’m definitely voting for you Cody. 🙂

    • Thanks so much Dawn!!!!! xoxoxoxo Love, Cody

  9. he he – we have been voting for Cody and all our pals since day one, and we’ll continue to do so. I do appreciate these reminders tho cuz we do forget.

    • Mario you are so kind!!!!!!!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!!! You are one of our oldest and dearest furiends! Barks and licks and love, Dakota and Cody (and Mom too!)

  10. Voted and put a thing (sorry I still am not sure of the lingo) that people can click on to vote for Cody on the right sidebar (at least I know to call it sidebar ha!) Go Cody!!!! Yep, family is family so gotta take care of kitty too!!! 🙂

    • OMG YOU ARE THE SWEETEST EVER!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! You know you can vote once a day til Friday!! THANK YOU!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  11. We voted, how could we not. He is sooooo handsome.

    • But not as handsome as ME right? BOL!! Thanks so much! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  12. I think that’s a great and funny video. Hopped over and voted. We’re rooting for you Cody. Just remind us everyday and we’ll be over there each time. (We are a bit blonde, so we usually require a reminder 🙂 )

    • Thanks soooooo much!! Mom is a “bit fake blonde” and will probably forget…but…the poor people on Facebook are being HOUNDED by her! BOL! Barks and licks and love, Dakota, Cody and Mom

  13. Hi Dakota!
    Me has been voting for Cody (after all he is one of my favorite Man Cats) and me has shared this post on my FaceBook Page! Me would be furry happy if Dakota winned!

    • Nellie that is BEYOND KIND of you!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! You had a Freudian slip though…you want ME to win!! BOL!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota, Cody and Mom

  14. I’ve voted – good luck!!! The music is cool – I like it!!! I will vote every day for you!!!

    • Thank you sooooooooo much Easy!!!! That is so kind of you!! THANK YOU!! You know that chubby Cody needs all of the help that he can get! Barks and licks and love, Dakota, Cody and Mom

  15. I voted for you and I’m a dog! Mom wants to know why it is that bloggers make owning a cat cool now. Cause when she had 3 of them she thought she would become an old lady with too many cats!

    • Well…I’m a DOG and I voted for my brother BOL! Owning a CAT AND A DOG is cool! For that matter, owning ANY animal is cool!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota, Cody and Mom

  16. Dakota – you’ve got to give a cat a break 🙂 Not everyone gets to be born an adorable Sheltie!

    • got that right! BOL! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  17. Tell Cody Good Luck for us Dakota! We voted and will keep voting til it is over!

    • That is soooooooooooooooo NICE of you guys!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota and Cody

  18. we will vote for sure
    Benny & Lily

    • Thanks Benny & Lily, you have other friends there that you can vote for too, you probably already know that! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  19. Hi Dakota, I’ve voted i like my felines all I’ve got to do now is bribe the judge BOL

    • Thanks sooooooooo much Sheba!! Of course you have to vote! You have a CODY too!!!!!!! (I pity you actually) BOL! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  20. I voted! I hope he makes the cut.

    • Thank you Jodi! He appears to be well on his way! Thanks so much! Barks and licks and love, Dakota and Mom

  21. We voted!!!

    • Thanks so much!!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota and Cody

  22. We have been voting for sweet Cody every day. Hugs and nose kisses

    • Thank you! He made it to the next round as a third seed!!!! Voting starts again on Wednesday! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

      • We will be voting for him again. Thanks for letting us know. We are so happy he made it to the next round. Hugs and nose kisses

      • You are soooooooooo sweet!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!! Love, “Mom”

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