Puppies are not Toys: Take the ASPCA Pledge not to Shop in Stores that Sell Puppies-Enter to win an ASPCA Holiday Gift Pack!

Before I began blogging I knew nothing about Puppy Mills and was one of many others who would walk into a pet store and would begin to “ooooh and ahhhh” over the adorable puppies that would greet me.

aspca we are their voice

I didn’t have a clue.

I knew nothing about where these puppies came from and what they had been through, until one day when I was playing with a darling Shetland Sheepdog puppy named Scarlet whom I had fallen madly in love with. I had fallen so deeply, that my husband and I were set to pay the $900 (YES $900 fee to purchase her), and then…I called the vet.

While excitedly telling him of my incredible “find”,  he asked where I had found this puppy. When I told him she was at a pet store I received an education…AND FAST. In no uncertain terms he told me NOT to purchase this puppy no matter how much I had fallen in love with her because she had more than likely come from a puppy mill. He proceeded to tell me exactly what that meant.

Please share this video with your friends on Facebook and Twitter—and kindly ask them to share it, too. We’re counting on your help to reach millions of people with this important message. For more info please visit www.nopetstorepuppies.com.

As you may know, the holiday season presents a time when many people are buying gifts in pet stores. According to newly released pollAmericans plan to spend more than $2.5 billion on pets over the holidays this yearUnfortunately, 59% of pet gift shoppers would consider shopping at a store that also sells puppies—meaning some of that $2.5 billion in revenue may be supporting the puppy mill industry.  The ASPCA is aiming to reduce this high percentage of potential shoppers by encouraging them not to shop for gifts at stores that sell puppies. As an alternative, shoppers may consider giving gifts that make a difference in the lives of animals in need, such as those from our online store.

When the ASPCA contacted me asking if I would share this video and information I happily agreed. If it will help educate millions of others the way I needed educating myself, I am happy to do so.

For those who may not be familiar with the ASPCA here is information about them from their website: “Founded in 1866, the ASPCA was the first humane organization in the Western Hemisphere. Our mission, as stated by founder Henry Bergh, is “to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States.” The ASPCA works to rescue animals from abuse, pass humane laws and share resources with shelters nationwide.”

The ASPCA has kindly offered a Holiday Gift Pack for one of my lucky readers and YES, THIS CONTEST IS OPEN TO EVERYONE, NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE!!!


How to win:

1) Please “like” the above post

2) Please share it either on Facebook or Tweet it or share it via email

3) Please visit http://www.nopetstorepuppies.com/ and take the pledge that if a pet store you visit sells puppies, you will NOT purchase anything there!

Leave a comment (with a way of contacting you should you be the lucky winner) and let me know how many of the above steps you have completed. (The more steps you complete the more entries you will have in the contest). All entries must be received by 5pm EST MONDAY, DECEMBER 10th. THE LUCKY WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12! GOOD LUCK!

Also check this out! I am going to try to make it and hope that many of YOU will be there too!!!


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60 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Right there with you on this one.
    OK then, Liked – done. Visited website and pledged – done. Shared – done but will also see if I can remember to do a link back to this post before deadline date, thereby sharing more.
    PS – you may need to give me a severe reminder jolt as the ditzy brain may forget.
    PPS – contact email longlife@dcrprocess.co.za

    • thanks sooo much! Barks and licks and love, Dakota and Mom

  2. When I was young, in the UK they were allowed to sell puppy’s in the pet shop windows. Like most people, we would stand there cooing how adorable they were. Never once crossed our minds, where they came from or what life they were having. This has now been banned in the UK now, thank goodness but we still have puppy farms, hidden away. We are educated regarding this now and we hope others are getting that way to. Phew, that was a long speech..BOL..Have a great day xx00xx
    Mollie and Alfie

    • Thanks for sharing that story Mollie and Alfie. I think the vast majority of us thought it was ok for most of our lives (hence the song “How Much is that ddoggy in the window?”) we all thought it was ok. Thanks for sharing your story. Barks and licks and love, Dakota and Mom

  3. Hiya Dakota! Mom has signed the pledge for us and we tweeted your post and the ASPCA pledge too. Thanks fur sharing this @GizmoGeodog

    • Hi Gizmo! (I LOVE your name!) Thank you for sharing the ASPCA’S message!!! Love, “Mom”

  4. Well I’ve watched the video, posted it on Facebook and taken the pledge. I also posted the pledge on Facebook. We would never buy an cat or dog at a pet store. It’s important to make people aware that kittens also come from mills. Check out Savannah’s Paw Track blog to read an interview with NYLABLUE who was a queen in a kitten mill. We need to save both the puppies and kittens. I only mention this because many people don’t realize that this happens to cats too. While the video is vert effective without being to distressing this is a distressing subject. Not only do we need to save the puppies and kittens but the adults used for breeding live terrible lives. It is a horrible, sad enterprise carried out by people that have no interest in what’s best for the lives they’re dealing with. Sorry to get on my soapbox. This really pushes my button. Thanks for bringing it to wveryone’s attention,
    Purrs to you,
    Mistletoe & Hitch……and their huMom.

    • Hi Mistletoe and Hitch (and Mom!) thank you for doing all of that! Yes you are right, it is important to mention kittens too but because this is a dog blog we accidentally forgot to mention that. Sorry! Mom said to tell you she did read Savannah’s blog (and always does, she subscribes to it). Thank you for visiting us. Barks and licks and love, Dakota and “Mom”

  5. My first sheltie was from a pet store too. Now I know better.

    • Was it Misty that was from a pet store? If so, she turned out well and lived a wonderful life at least with you! We didn’t purchase Scarlet but we came quite close. Love, “Mom”

  6. What a great post !!!
    We did every this on your list (except liking your post because we can’t connect to blogger because of the stupid internet thingy !!!) But we do like it 😀

    We love contests and especially world wilde contests !!!!! Wooooo !!!

    Woos of love.

    Echo & Link

    • Thank you Echo & Link but I am just the messenger! Thank you! Have a great day! Love, “Mom”

  7. Stop puppy farming!!!!!

    Mummy has fb’d and tweeted for me as I don’t have an account, although I’ve kinda highjacked hers BOL (@dawnmrey)

    And I’ve take the pledge too!

    • YAY!! Thanks so much Misaki!!!!! Love, “Mom”

  8. I am so very against puppy mills. I became aware of them many, many years ago as a vet tech. It has been a mission since. Thanks for this.

    • thank YOU for making them your mission!!! Love, “Mom”

  9. 7 years ago I didnt know that the adorable dogs in the pet stores came from the puppy mills. I was just in my mid twenties and was looking at getting a dog for the first time in my life, had no idea. Its crazy that there are so many people that dont honestly know. I try really hard not to judge because I could have been one of them – just uneducated.
    Thank you for sharing and spreading the word.

    • Kari you sound like me! My event happened almost 6 yrs ago and like you I had no idea! I could have easily been one of them too!! You are most welcome and thank you! Love, “Mom”

  10. Liked, shared, pledged. Did it all! Great post!

    • thank you!! The animals thank you too! Love, “Mom”

  11. It is a horrible industry and I hope more people learn about it so that it can be stopped.

  12. did 1-3 ;o) same here. no clue about puppy mills and this darned dog hagglers. we had only an ad in the newspaper – but sadly, we did it – we bought Terry, the fox terrier from a puppy mill for 750. She was dangerously ill but fortunately a vet and my grampys card saved her life. He said, who joined in our family is a member for lifetime (like the Mafia BOL) I think all people should know which cruelty and darned profiteering stands behind the petselling stores and the puppy mill doggies. Thanks for this post and honestly we are sick about this store in our area where pet’s vegetate in a dark corner between garden furnitures and cement bags…

    • Easy your story made me so sad. It is easy for people to not know about puppy mills if they aren’t bloggers like us. If I hadn’t called my vet about the dog I never would have known and would have bought her. I am glad that at the time the vet saved her life. It saddens me to no end when I read what you wrote about the pets vegetating. Breaks my heart. Thank you for helping to spread the word! Love, “Mom”

  13. This is definitely a good one to spread around
    Benny & Lily

  14. Great post! Thanks for sharing – I shared too!
    Nellie’s mom

  15. Great post! I shared it in my Wordless Wednesday post today and linked to it! I know…it’s Wordless Wednesday but just had to share!

    • You are a doll! I was just there about 10 minutes ago (before I saw this) and I THANK YOU!! That was SUPER KIND! Love, “Mom”

  16. I like the post
    shared on facebook as Amy Orvin
    and took the pledge


    • thanks so much! Love, “Mom”

  17. I went to a local pet shop a few years ago to check out their fish. They had puppies, which I really didnt like. Mixed breed designer dogs with outrageous prices. I felt bad that I did end up buying a goldfish from them. I told myself I would NOT be going back there. Great contest and prizes. On my way to share and like and pledge. annstaub at yahoo dot com is my email

    • Ann that is ok. At least you DID tell yourself you would never go back. Thanks for sharing! Love, “Mom”

  18. Love this! We are doing our post later in the week! This is the first time I watched the video and it made me tear up!

    • yep me too 😦 Love you!! Mom

  19. great post the more people are made aware the better. I’ve seen the conditions them poor dogs are kept in and the poor bitches that are just used as money making machines it makes me sick and a lot more needs to be done about it.

    • thanks so much Sheba and we sooo agree. Love, “Mom”

  20. I would never purchase a puppy from a pet store!

  21. We only knew about the puppy mills a few years ago. In fact, we got our Laura from a pet shop 12 years ago. Luckily she turned out to be healthy and fine for a good 10 years with us. However, we know that there are many people who aren’t so lucky like us. Puppy mills are rampant in our city too.

    • I am so happy that Laura turned out in the long run to be healthy and I thank you for also confirming that I wasn’t the only one who was uneducated about puppy mills until I started blogging. Love, “Mom”

  22. We don’t have any pet stores around us that sell anything besides fish. I guess we’re easily in the clear!


  23. Maybe it is just Seattle but I haven’t seen a puppy for sale in a pet store since I was a little kid. The only puppies I have seen are rescue dogs for adoption. Because I don’t see it around here I tend to think it doesn’t happen anywhere much anymore. I see a lot of people talking about it though so it must.

  24. Hi~entered, posted to facebook,shared, and made my pledge. I never go into those places anyway…..not so clean, What happens to all those sweet puppies that are there? I had a friend who used to work in those stores, she did it to make sure the animals were kept up, and often brought home the damaged puppies and took care of them for their lives!!!!!

    • Hi Marjie! Thanks so much and thank you for sharing the story about your friend. She sounds like an angel! Love, “Mom”

  25. I had no clue about this either until my boyfriend told me one day….he was watching something on TV and they were talking about it. WOW! I will definitely share your post 🙂

    • Kia Hi and thank you to you as well for making me feel better! Thank you for sharing too! Love, “Mom”

  26. Excellent post sweet Dakota. You are so right that puppies are not toys. They also are not always puppies. We hope if any puppies become Christmas gifts the family is well educated on how to care for them and will love and care for them properly their whole life. Hugs and nose kisses

    • Mumsy Hi! Thank you! You are sooo right and I am happy that someone mentioned that. Puppies become adult dogs, they become larger and need oh so much! Thank you for pointing that out! Barks and licks and love, Dakota and “Mom”

  27. That video is sooo perfect to get the message across, it truly makes me want to cry even if its only showing me stuffed animals. Very moving, glad you showcased this, i will be spreading this onto my personal (fb) which is just for family and friends. but I have a similar problem recently trying to convince someone who is young, but has three little children, that getting a 3 pound puppy (she wants the smallest dog she can find) is not a good idea, especially in the places she is is looking into buying it. 😦 I hope this helps. Thanks Dakota and Caren!

    • Hi Lea! Thank you! I can’t take credit for this. Just shared what the ASPCA gave me but thank you and I am thrilled that you are going to help spread the word! Ohhhh noooooooo! A 3 lb puppy!? With little kids? No way!! Can you get her to try and adopt a dog that is a little larger? Love, “Mom”

    • Hi Lea! Thank you! I can’t take credit for this. Just shared what the ASPCA gave me but thank you and I am thrilled that you are going to help spread the word! Ohhhh noooooooo! A 3 lb puppy!? With little kids? No way!! Can you get her to try and adopt a dog that is a little larger? Love, “Mom”

      • I have tried telling her their is little dogs out their in shelters and pounds needing a good home, but to get her to a task on its own.I’ll keep trying though.

  28. […] go read the post about this at Dakota’s Den for a lot more information and a giveaway!  You can also click here to take the pledge by ASPCA […]

  29. A pet store near us used to sell puppies, but they’ve stopped now which is great – it’s so important that people know what really goes on behind the scenes!! Great post!!

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  30. Hi Dakota…..Puppy mills are awful places…..I do think that people are getting “wised up” to pet stores that sell puppies – at least I hope so! I took the pledge, liked the post and shared it on Facebook (we don’t Twitter!!)…..the more people who become educated about the reality of puppy mills the fewer mills will continue in business. Thanks for blogging about this here AND on Cat Chat!!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy (and his Mom!)

    • Hi Sammy!!! Thank you for sharing and for taking the Pledge!!! But…you gave us waaaay too much credit! We didn’t blog about it on Cat Chat (wink!!) Barks and licks and love, Dakota and Mom

  31. […] video comes courtesy of Dakota’s Den blog and I just had to […]

  32. I am first time visitor and glad I stopped. I am staunch supporter of the ASPCA and in total agreement about puppy mills.

    • we are thrilled to have you! Hope you will be a regular visitor! Barks and licks and love, Dakota and Mom

  33. P. S. Dakota is radiant!

    • thank you!!!!!!!! Love, “Mom”

  34. Hello, I read your new stuff regularly. Your story-telling
    style is witty, keep doing what you’re doing!

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