Dog Poop Happens! Listen up for a Sneak Preview of a new subscription service!

Hi my furiends, it’s Dakota  and boy oh boy am I ever excited to bark some news out at you!

I was contacted the other day by a wonderful woman who sent me information about a new subscription service, and she asked if I would help her BARK out the news!   I told her I am ALWAYS up for a BARK about SOMETHING! Especially something that I think will have you or your human barking with joy!

Doggies, you know how when you take a walk with your human and you stop to use the facilities, it oftentimes is accompanied by all sorts of barking curse words from your human? Why? THEY FORGOT TO BRING A BAG TO PICK UP THE POOP!!!

dakota pick up your poop


That is the most frustrating thing for our humans! I am ashamed to say I have seen my Mom grab giant leaves (yes, you heard me correctly!) from bushes and use THOSE to pick up my poop because she was too lazy to go back upstairs to get a bag.

My Dad is guilty too. If he doesn’t have a bag, he will often LEAVE THE POOP until he makes a trip back outside!

Dakota and Daddy October

Well, you know how THAT goes! The ONE time that you don’t have a bag and you leave the poop, you get a crotchety neighbor with nothing to do but dial phones and report renegade poop (key Wicked Witch of the West music from the Wizard of Oz here)   she almost steps in aforementioned poop, and then, you get a note chastising you about proper poop disposal. YES! Dad DOES go back out and pick up the poop but sometimes not fast enough!

Did you know?

“Scientists have been able to trace dangerous bacteria in water back to dog waste. By offering people an affordable, fun and convenient way to keep a constant supply of waste bags, PoopBuddy aims to help reduce the spread of water pollution by the 72M strong dog owning community.”

Let’s not forget the current uproar about plastic bags being harmful to the environment. Soon, they might be a thing of the past. Imagine having eco-friendly, super-cool looking waste pick-up bags automatically mailed to your house! Your humans will be so happy that they will become never ending treat dispensers!

I want to give you a peek at a new product called:

Click on the logo to visit their website!

Click on the logo to visit their website!


An Eco-Chic Poop Bag Delivery Service

PoopBuddy Bag Assortment

“The service addresses the increasing demand for eco-friendly alternatives to plastic bags and the want for fun and stylish dog accessories. PoopBuddy aims to motivate the 40% of dog owners who opt out of dog waste cleanup to form new habits.”

PoopBuddy Bags

Are these too cool or what? Remember, I told you this is just a “sneak peek.” PoopBuddy is shipping me a bag (I hope more than one bag but we will see!), so that I can tell you what I think of these,  and then I will give you more information about how the subscription service works.

If you can’t wait, you can always  visit their website give them a bark-out on Facebook  in the meantime!!

ABOUT PoopBuddy: Based out of the San Francisco Bay Area, PoopBuddy is a subsidiary of Founded in 2013 by a group of entrepreneurial-minded dog lovers who believe that people can love their pup, love their planet and look like a million bucks.

Stay tuned for my review of the product when it arrives, I received no compensation for this post. I will receive a PoopBuddy bag.

Barks and licks and love,


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90 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. YES, just saw this and friend them in twitter. LOVE the pretty designs of the poop bag. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

    • Thank you for the follow! We followed back 🙂 Our goal is to put Gucci to shame. Do you currently buy doggy poop bags?

    • Ooops! Cody snuck in above! BOL! Should be me!

  2. This might be the first time in history the words “dog poop” and :”styling” belong in the same sentence. Looking forward to hearing how they are.

    • Plus we’re throwing in eco. Thank you! Do you buy doggy poop bags?

    • BOL!!!! mom is looking forward to trying them! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  3. What pretty poop bags..i think I could use some if I get caught short out bush even lol..Dakota let us know how they suit your style 😉
    Nothing worse than not having the bag when the moment arises!
    Did you know Alpacas poop in the same place all the time!
    Have a great day
    big hugs and loves Fozziemum and gang xx

    • We’ll start production on some Alpaca poop bags (it’ll be the new rage)! Have you ever bought doggy poop bags?

    • Well…I must be part Alpaca cause I poop in the same place every time too! BOL! Will let you know how we like them and we are trying to have a give-away! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

      • Dakota the new fancy breed..Aplaca sheltie 🙂 hehehe
        I saw you are hoping to have a give away..i assume the bags not the poop 😉 Big hugs Fozziemum and gang Xx

  4. They are really neat and I bet they are great for “used” kitty litter, too. We always had a friend with a dog that we dogsat when they went out of town. I always took two bags. Now that I think of it, I hope that didn’t put too much pressure on the dog!

    • I’m a kitty owner–maybe I should start using the bags for him. He appreciates style too!

    • BOL! LOVE LOVE LOVE your idea of using them for kitty litter too! Brilliant! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  5. What funky bags 🙂 who knew that picking up poo could be a fashion statement?! I like the green one, would go very well with a pair of green shoes I own 😉

    • You could have a bags for every pair 😉 Do you buy doggy fashion accessories? We here at PoopBuddy LOVE to coordinate–we’re sure our dogs appreciate it too.

    • Yes who knew???!! I love it, color-coordinating shoes with POOP BAGS! BOL! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  6. I agree, Dakota. I always try to do it on the frontyard of “Cruella from 101 Dalmatians”. normally we have a “poo-service” in our village but since I found this special place, my mom has always a bag on board, because Cruella is always waiting for me and knocks on her window like a berserk :o)

    • Too funny! Always good to keep the “Cruellas” of the world off your doorstep. Are you a fan of cute poopcessories?

    • BOL EASY! You always make me laugh! Now I can’t get the image of Cruella out of my mind! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  7. Oooh. I wonder if the poopbags would be handy for litter boxes? I know there is a litter genie, but I’m looking for a greener solution.

    • Of course! Dogs aren’t the only ones who appreciate having their poop picked up in style 😉 I personally use my doggy bags for my litter box. They actually sell Kitty versions in stores–but they are SOOO expensive.

    • Ask Fisher just said the same thing and I think you could use them to deposit the used litter in after you scoop it! Brilliant idea! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  8. Love it!!! Sometimes I am caught off guard without my baggie and then we run home and get one and run back to the scene of the crime. It’s always a funny scene. We can’t handle when we see some poop not picked up, so we try our best to do it pronto. Nice bark out today!

    • Happens to everyone! 🙂

    • Thanks so much my furiend!! We try to pick ours up “pronto” too but sometimes Dad drops the ball….er….POOP! BOL! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  9. There has been Eco friendly poop bags available for a couple of years…flushables are one that can be just flushed Down the toilet and the bag is bio degradeable ….they don’t come in such fancy colors though:)

    • Did you know that a lot of water treatment facilities can’t properly treat dog waste? In many places, flushables are actually better off going to landfill. We’ve had to learn waaaaaayy too much about dog poop haha! 🙂 thanks for the feedback!

    • Hmmmm never heard of those. I don’t know how comfortable I would be flushing a bag. Plus, you would have to bring it back into the house. Not thrilled about that. Love, “Mom”

  10. LOL! Mom has used sticks and leaves before too! We have bags everywhere, big ones, small ones, ones on a roll, ones folded small…wouldn’t surprise me if Mom had some tucked into her bra (small chest, so plenty of room 🙂 ) These are pretty fancy! We had some biodegradable ones in Germany, great idea!

    • Ohhhh you made my Mom laugh!!!! We use everything from the plastic that paper towels are wrapped in to leaves BOL! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  11. Love the snazzy bags! The Help uses nappy bags because they are the same size but cheaper and smell nicer too!
    She always goes out with tons of bags because I have a habit of keeping her busy – I like the guys to know I’m around!! 😉

    • BOL ZENA!! You are so beautiful you don’t have to try hard to make the guys know you are there! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  12. Wow! The wild colors and patterns are cool!

    • Thanks! Do you buy doggy poop bags? Even we obsess over the colors and patterns! haha 🙂

    • yep!! They sure are! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  13. Sounds like an interesting idea! Mummy has a dispenser thingy clipped on her bag. But my daddy is like yours. I think he’d remember if he had cammo bags though 🙂

  14. Great idea! I’m always finding myself without a bag when we go places. We were really lucky on our vacation, because there were bag dispensers at the beach! WHew. Found those just in time too.

    What fun bags they have on the website!

    • That’s why we thought the subscription service would be perfect. I’m always going to the parks and seeing empty dispensers–then panic sets in 😛 Thanks for the feedback!

    • yep the bags are super cool! Love the idea of bag dispensers on the beach! Brilliant! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  15. Hey Dakota – We will have our Doodle Mom check this out – love the colors. Have a Doodle*Licious Day – Harley & Leo

  16. That’s a great idea! I love the colorful designs and especially love that they are eco-friendly. Mom hates having to use plastic bags for my doggy waste.

    • my Mom is bad. She uses those nasty plastic bags. She is awful! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  17. BARK!!!!! My human is very organized and prepared when it comes to taking care of me- he has a plastic box by the door of my things he needs when we walk and the same in his car- I’ll be interested in seeing this product though- Dad’s always looking for bags that are LONG since I sometimes visit the local woods and get into poison ivy and share it with my human- WOOF?! he likes to keep his arm covered – will be looking for your review of the product. PAWS TO YOU!!!! Noah

    • Thanks Noah! I think that long ones are a super idea too!!! Your Dad is one prepared dude! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  18. Love the post!! Thanks so much. We’re super excited to launch the site and love all the positive feedback 🙂


    • Hi Carina!
      You are most welcome!!
      We can’t wait til you are launched too!
      Love, “Mom”

  19. Love those bags! Great advice Dakota, poop happens and our people better be prepared, BOL! Mom always has a bag (or 2) with her whenever we’re out and about.

    • yep “Poop Happens!!” Your Mom is way more prepared than my Mom is! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  20. Love the colorful poop bags. Now it seems not so hard to carry the poop back home from our walk.

    Check out my new ride:

    • Some of our shipments actually include surprise “poopcessories” like dispensers, holders, and pouches to carry the poop in. Discretion is key 😉

    • love them too! Going to stop by right now! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  21. The poo bags look trendy 😉
    Your country is better than mine, people here let the poo drop everywhere *sigh*

    • Oh Kurome! I am so sorry to hear that! They need to get these there! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  22. Total BOL with the bag guilt…That pic with your daddy cracked me up!!!! These bags look pawesome, thanks for barking about them today!!!!

    • OMD you would have to see Daddy in action, THEN you would laugh! You are most welcome!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  23. Oh cool, Dakota! I wish I could have funky poo bags like that!
    At the walk I did on sunday, there was a thingie at the bottom of the hill that gives you poo bags and a poo bin. The bags were ace because they had a cartoon dog on them! Thing is, that was the only poo bin on the walk, and I didn’t feel like doing a poo there, so we sorta had to carry my poo in poobag up half the hill. We left it on a rock for when we came back.
    I was most ashamed of myself for not visiting your blog! It’s easier for me to visit Cody, but I will remember next time to visit you!
    Pippa 🙂 woof

    • P.S. Some lovely photos of you here!

      • YAY Pippa!! You made it here! BOL! We LOVE that you visit Cody (that is super nice of you! But I kept wondering why you wouldn’t visit another SHELTIE!! BOL!!!)
        Cartoon dogs on poo bins? Cute!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota oh and thanks for your kind words too!

  24. BOL our mom has done the giant leaf thing too!!!! ROTFB!!!!
    Those are SUPER funky poop bags!!

    • We should video our Moms with the leaves BOL!!! Yep those bags ARE funky for sure! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  25. Mama uses bag rolls like that too even though she doesn’t ever forget poop bags. Me and Nalle make a lot of poops! Wooooowoooooo, Ku

    • your Mom never forgets? Wish mine was like that! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  26. Mom tells the people, excuse me, you forgot something
    Benny & Lily

    • we like your Mom’s style 🙂 Barks and licks and love, Dakota and Mom

  27. This is so important to remind to everyone. That’s part of being a responsible pet owner. And those are fantastic poop bags. I really like the pink and black one.

    • Totally agreed! Too bad not everyone knows about the importance of picking it up. Thanks so much for the feedback. Do you buy doggy poop bags?

    • I like ALL of them! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  28. Those are pretty bags. We will be looking forward to hearing what you and your mom and dad think about them sweet Dakota. Hugs and nose kisses

    • Thanks so much Mumsy!!! ((((hugs)))) and nose kisses back at ya! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  29. Mom hates using regular plastic bags to pick up poop and can’t wait to try eco-friendly ones like PoopBuddy! Be sure and sign up to follow me at now! Love Dolly

    • thanks so much for the reminder! I just signed up to follow you via email, I hope it “took!”

  30. Good idea! Wonder if the company will be successful?

    • Thanks! We hope so 😀

    • Based on the interest here, I am thinking they have a darned good chance! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  31. I cannot wait to hear more about this!!!

    • Thanks so much Oz! I can’t wait to try them! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  32. I am excited to hear what you and your mom and dad think about these bags, Dakota! My mom is kind of picky and these bags look pretty cool 🙂

  33. These look great! How are they eco-friendly?

    • The bags we find and send all include either corn starch, vegetable-based material, plant resins, or other natural materials. No bag is 100% plastic (yuck) and all of them fall on the spectrum of biodegradability 🙂 Do you purchase biodegradable dog bags?

      • No, I currently use diaper bags, 75ct for $1 at the dollar store. But I’ve considered bio-degradable.

  34. What an interesting idea! Thanks for sharing Dakota 🙂

  35. They’re pretty! They’d be much nicer for my bipeds to carry.

  36. They sure are colorful. 🙂 We always pick up, but the farm where we train just wants us to leave it. Talk about trying to learn a new habit…lol.

  37. I hate when I forget a poop bag or worse, I grab the last one out of my dispenser and then someone does it again. I’m intrigued by this one Dakota, can’t wait to hear what you think of the bags.

  38. Poop bags are SO important! I once forgot them and I would have had to use the sweater in my bag if Tater had to go…I have not forgotten the poop bags since! But I probably will again. Looking forward to your review!

  39. Love it! That is an absolutely fantastic idea. Thank you for sharing, I am off to check them out.

  40. Haha!!! This post is so funny =)!! I love thoes poop bags! I can so totally see me walking around with the zebra print one!

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