Thank you for fighting for our rights! We remember…

Today, in the USA we celebrate Memorial Day:

If it weren’t for those who came before and for those currently fighting to ensure that we have rights, such as freedom of speech and freedom of the press, this blog, and many others might not exist.

Today, we THANK YOU for the freedom that we enjoy living in America.

Today is our day to honor YOU…

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27 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. That’s a very touching video Dakota, what a nice tribute to all heroes. Thanks!

  2. A lovely tribute Dakota.. Have a wonderful day xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  3. So true.

  4. In a time when these very rights seem to be under attack…it is a good thing to remember how we got them and who fights everyday for us to keep them

  5. Happy Memorial Day! For us dogs it is just another day of fun but for the humans it really has meaning!

  6. WOOF!!!!!!! Excellent Dakota!!!!

  7. Have a wonderful Memorial Day! Take care

  8. Lovely video, Happy Memorial day from the UK.


  9. Thank you for the reminder of why our veterans fought. We must NEVER let fear of terrorists cause us to sacrifice our liberties. And we must vote. It is up to us, each generation, to protect our rights and freedom.

  10. Happy Memorial Day to you Dakota!

    Thanks for the lovely video!

  11. Enjoy your Memorial Day. Golden Thanks for sharing the video. Golden Woofs, Sugar

  12. Wonderful tribute! Hope that you have a very nice Memorial Day.

  13. Very nice pal. We have a lot to be thankful for don’t we. Happy Memorial Day.

  14. Happy Memorial Day! Lovely tribute and thoughts Dakota. Thankful to all those (human and dogs) who have served.

  15. Lovely post, Dakota!

  16. Happy Memorial Day!

  17. What a nice tribute. My brother is away at bootcamp for the National Guard so much appreciated.!

    • Sending SPECIAL barks and licks and love to your brother!!!!! Dakota

  18. Amen….very nicely said.

  19. Happy Memorial Day to all Americans 🙂

  20. wonderful tribute Dakota. I fianlly figured out where to find you. Cody doesn’t like to share the limelight to much 😉 hugs, Faythe

  21. What a nice tribute
    Benny & Lily

  22. Wonderful tribute Dakota and hope you enjoyed your Memorial Day:)

  23. What a great post! We always go out of our way to say thank you for your service to any service man or woman we see! We owe so much to those past and present that has served our country!!

  24. That was a lovely tribute video. Hope you had a great day.

  25. Great post guys – I hope you had a lovely weekend,

    Wags to all

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  26. Thank you for remembering and honoring them Dakota!

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